Plus Size Fitness - Walking the Santa Monica Stairs
Smashing Through Plus Size Fitness Goals I Didn't Know I Had!
As many of you know, on September 5th I turned 38 years old. Leading up to this birthday, I decided there were five things I wanted to do to help set my year up for success and to help me in my plus size fitness goals. See, I was coached by the wonderful and amazing Jordan Bach that, a great tool is to envision the specifics of the life I want to live... and then to make a big ass list of the things I need to do to set my life up for this vision to come true. Well, I made my list!! And decided to tackle a few specific things in the weeks leading up to my birthday. You can find a recap of the five things here.One of these things? A big, huge thing? Was to renew my commitment to fitness.
Why My Weight Loss Journey Included Renewing My Commitment to Plus Size Fitness
plus size fitness, santa monica stairs
plus size fitness, santa monica stairs 2
Right from the beginning of my journey, I have known I wanted to hike. Yes, hike. I have been holding on to this goal for ages. So, when I told my trainer that I wanted to do something special leading up to my birthday... this is what happened.So off we went. There we go. Yeah. Not nervous AT ALL!!!! I was legit excited and stoked to be taking on this new challenge! See? Here I am. Really excited.Wondering how to actually find the stairs themselves? Great question. There seem to be two sets. Blake and I did this set located here. While there IS parking on the street by the stairs, it's a completely residential neighborhood. Depending on what time you arrive you may be there when a permit is required. Your best bet is to cross Entrada Drive and park somewhere on the Adelaide Place cul de sac. It's about a .3 mile walk from there to the stairs, FYI. The entrance to the stairs is almost unidentifiable from the street. You will know you are there when you see copious numbers of sweaty dude bros doing pushups and grunting loudly. I wish I could say this was a joke but, alas, it was not. Bwah. here's the deal with the stairs themselves. If you park where I suggested and enter, you'll be at the top. Walking down, you will get an idea of what's in store. The stairs are about 180-190 steps with two or three places to rest. The stairs are narrow. Do NOT be freaked out by this. There is a natural order and flow when people do the stairs and those that move fast have no problem doing their thing and naviagting around you. DO NOT FEEL PRESSURE TO GO FASTER THAN YOU CAN. I know that sounds silly but, just worry about you. Do you. This shit is (probably) going to be hard so just give yourself credit for showing up in the first place.If you are surrounded by people whizzing by you, dudes doing the steps five at a time or super fit chicks in crop bra tops --- just chill. I didn't meet a single person there who gave me crap for my 300+ lb body being there. Everyone is so focussed on themselves and doing their own thing that nobody will be paying attention to you. I promise. And if they do, I will wager to bet they are impressed that you are there in general. Like I said, focus on you.The first section of stairs is wooden. You will be getting a feel for things here. You'll reach a landing and then do two much smaller sets of concrete steps. Then comes the "oh shit" moment. You'll be staring at the longest stretch of the steps, wooden ones that go the rest of the way to the top. Hunker down. Breath. And just go kick ass. Go kick your plus size fitness ass up those damn steps like you are Beyonce like this... The first time I did the steps was strictly cardio for me. I got that panicky feeling of being out of breath that I always hate. Once at the top, my trainer, bless his heart, tells me we're doing the steps... AGAIN! I want to kill him. I love him but I want to kill him at the same time. Mercifully he lets me sit and drink some water first. I do. I drink basically all the water I have in my bottle and wish I could stick my face under a Poland Springs cooler and slurp for hours while contemplate the sanity of even wanting to address my plus size fitness quest. We walk back down to the bottom... and that's when the drama really begins. Blake starts talking, clearly setting me up for something. Then he drops the hammer.I should clarify now that Blake walked the steps the first time holding a backpack containing 32 lbs in it to signify the weight I have lost to this point. My spidey sense kicks in when I see this as we meet by the car, as I am reminded of the time he had me carry 20 lbs on my back all day, including a damn trip to Costco. Silly me, I allow him to LIE TO MY FACE and tell me he's wearing it for himself. Ha. Nice try. Anyhow, cue standing at the base of the steps when Blake tells me that I AM GOING TO WALK THE DAMN STEPS WEARING THE DAMN BACKPACK MYSELF ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME???!!!??!?!?!??!?!I legit want to cry. At the same point in time, I legit trust my trainer. And I trust him when he reassures me and says I just have to try... and so I do. And you'll have to watch and see what happens.He cries. I cries. We all cry. And then we go out for salads after. (You don't see that part but, FYI it happened and I have basically never been more excited for a salad in my entire life as I was that delicious bowl of goodness!)Here is our faces when we were done. I want to stop and give a super heartfelt thanks to Blake Elarbee. Seriously. If you are heavy and considering a fitness journey I wish you could all have a trainer like him. If you are in the LA area then you CAN!!! When Blake and I first started talking about my wanting to become more health and starting my plus size fitness journey, he admits, he saw me as a client. A Before and an After. Now... we've both taught each other SO much. Lots of perspective, life lessons and growth. I am grateful to have his guidance!